Our StorY...
In 1981 a group of people decided they no longer wanted to just go to church, they wanted to be the church in their community. The church is not a building; it is the family of God on His mission-bringing love and reconciliation to our world.
We stand upon a rich history of God using people in going together and bringing healing in themselves, families and our community. We intend to continue doing what brings people into a loving, life-giving relationship with God and others that is transformational. Jesus predicted that he wold start a gathering, a movement...what we call church. And that church would spread all over the earth.
We believe in one God, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the creator of all and ruler of the universe. God, our perfect heavenly Father, loves and cares for all of us. Deuteronomy 6:4, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:31, Colossians 1:16-18.
We believe that we have sinned deliberately choosing not to follow God’s will thereby breaking our relationship with God. Romans 3:23.
We believe that God, by grace alone, provides a relationship with Himself through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. Jesus is Savior to all who believe in Him. Romans 5:8-11, I Peter 3:18, John 3:16.
We believe that God sent us the Holy Spirit to empower us to live more like Jesus Christ. Romans 5:5.
We believe that as children of God, we are promised eternal life with God in heaven. John 14:1-3.
We believe that the Church is the spiritual body of believers in Christ whose purpose is doing God’s will. Ephesians 5:25, I Corinthians 1:2.
We believe that the Bible was written by persons inspired by God and is the record of God’s revelation of Himself to us. It is our ultimate authority for our faith and living. II Timothy 3:16.
New Life Community Church is a member of the Alliance of Reformed Churches family. More information can be found at www.arc21.org.
We are "Reformed" because we trace our identity back to the Reformation of the 1500's when leaders like Martin Luther and John Calvin determined that the church needed to be re-formed and continually reforming according to God's Word.
Above all, our faith is centered in Christ. Every need of ours finds its answer in Jesus Christ.
The final authority in the Reformed faith is Holy Scripture, the living Word of God, spoken to everyone through the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and makes it real and actual in our lives. This has always been and will always be the authentic wellspring of Reformed faith.
The following confessions and creeds are statements of Reformed beliefs:
Historic documents:
Historic creeds:
About us
our pastor & STAFF:

Russell Visser, Elder

Blake Visser, Elder

Andrew Jarvis, Elder

Ian Van Beek, Deacon

Angela Rodriquez, Deacon

Dustin De Mello, Deacon