Philippians Sermon Series
By: Pastor James
Philippians 1
Philippians 1:1-6 January 5, 2025
In this opening of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we are reminded of the power of gratitude and partnership in the Gospel. Paul’s thankfulness for the believers in Philippi and his confidence that God will complete the good work He began in them offer us hope today.
We can look forward to reflecting on how God is faithfully working in our own lives and how we can celebrate the partnerships we have in advancing His Kingdom.
Philippians 1:7-11 January 12, 2025
Paul’s deep affection for the Philippians reminds us of the importance of praying for one another and seeking growth in our faith. His encouragement to grow in love and discernment challenges us to examine how we are maturing in Christ.
As we consider these verses, we can reflect on how God is shaping us and how we can better pursue His truth and live in love with those around us.
Philippians 1:12-20 January 19, 2025
Paul’s perspective on his imprisonment is a powerful example of seeing God’s purpose in every situation. Even in chains, Paul saw the Gospel spreading and others emboldened to share Christ. This challenges us to view our own challenges as opportunities for God to work.
We are also reminded to rejoice whenever Christ is proclaimed, even when others’ motives may not be pure. These verses inspire us to focus on the greater purpose of exalting Christ in every aspect of our lives, encouraging us to ask: How can we glorify Christ, even in difficult circumstances?
Philippians 1:21-30 January 26, 2025
“For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” This profound statement by Paul calls us to examine the very purpose of our lives. How do we live each day in a way that reflects our commitment to Christ and the Gospel?
These verses remind us that our faith journey is not meant to be passive. We are called to stand firm, strive together for the Gospel, and remain faithful even when opposition arises. Paul’s perspective challenges us to see suffering not as a setback but as a blessing that draws us closer to Christ. As we reflect on this passage, we can consider how we are living out our faith and advancing the Gospel with joy.
Philippians 2
Philippians 2:1-5 February 2, 2025
These verses challenge us to embrace the mindset of Christ. Paul encouraged the Philippians to live in unity, focusing on the mission of being like Christ and living it out daily. As we reflect on these words, we’re reminded of the joy that comes from shared purpose and the humility required to follow Christ’s example.
This passage encourages us to examine how well we emulate Christ’s love and selflessness in our relationships. Are we committed to putting others before ourselves and pursuing the unity Paul so deeply desired for the church?
Philippians 2:6-11 February 9, 2025
Here, we encounter one of the most profound and awe-inspiring passages in Scripture. Paul describes how Christ, though fully God, humbled Himself by taking on human form and becoming obedient to death on a cross. This act of ultimate humility leads to Christ’s exaltation, as every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord.
This passage invites us to reflect on Christ’s humility and sacrifice and consider how we can mirror these qualities in our own lives. How does acknowledging Christ’s lordship shape the way we live, serve, and worship today?
Philippians 2:12-18 February 16, 2025
Paul’s call to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” reminds us that living as a follower of Christ requires intentionality and perseverance. He challenges believers to do all things without grumbling or arguing, reflecting an attitude that attracts others to the Gospel.
These verses inspire us to consider our own witness. Are we living in a way that shines brightly in a world of darkness? Paul reminds us that our joy and fellowship are grounded in the Gospel, and we are called to labor together in service with a spirit of gratitude and celebration.
Philippians 2:19-30 February 23, 2025
In this passage, we see two examples of selfless devotion to Christ: Timothy and Epaphroditus. Timothy’s genuine concern for others and Epaphroditus’ willingness to sacrifice, even to the point of risking his life, demonstrate what it means to live out the Gospel with dedication and love.
As we reflect on their stories, we’re encouraged to ask: Are we living with the same kind of devotion, concern, and selflessness? Paul’s words challenge us to honor and hold in high regard those who labor faithfully for Christ, while also inspiring us to model their example in our own lives.
Philippians 3
Philippians 3:1-11 March 2, 2025
Paul calls us to a life of joy in the Lord, emphasizing that our rejoicing in Him is a safeguard against false teachings and spiritual complacency. He warns us not to place our confidence in the flesh—in our own abilities or the things of this world— but to rely wholly on Christ.
This passage invites us to reflect on what it means to truly value knowing Christ above all else. How are we prioritizing our relationship with Him? Are there things in our lives that we need to set aside, considering them as loss, to fully embrace the surpassing worth of knowing and following Christ?
Philippians 3:12-19 March 9, 2025
Paul encourages us to press forward in our faith, leaving behind what is past and striving toward the goal of knowing Christ and fulfilling His call on our lives. He reminds us that our attitudes should reflect maturity in Christ and that God will continue to reveal areas where we need to grow.
Each day, are we listening for God’s voice, allowing Him to guide us as we live according to His standard? Paul’s example challenges us to stay focused on our heavenly calling, reminding us of the stark contrast between those who follow Christ and the enemies of the cross. While their path leads to destruction, our hope is secure in Christ.
Philippians 3:20-21 March 16, 2025
In these verses, Paul offers a profound truth: our true citizenship is not of this earth but in heaven with God. As followers of Christ, we eagerly await His return, knowing that He will transform our earthly bodies into glorious, eternal ones.
This passage inspires us to live each day with an eternal perspective, looking forward to the transformation that awaits us. It is a reminder of the hope we have in Christ—a future without pain, sadness, or death, where we will be fully united with Him in His glory.
Philippians 4
Philippians 4:1-7 March 23, 2025
As Paul begins the closing section of his letter, he urges the Philippians to stand firm in the Lord, anchored in His truth and love. He encourages unity, addressing Euodia and Syntyche, two women who were instrumental in advancing the Gospel but had experienced conflict. Paul calls them to reconciliation, emphasizing the importance of harmony among believers who share in the work of Christ. Paul then transitions into a series of imperatives: rejoice in the Lord, let your gentleness be evident, do not be anxious, and bring your requests to God in prayer. These exhortations highlight a life centered on God’s peace—a peace that surpasses all understanding and guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
This passage encourages us to examine how we can bring these truths into our own lives. Are we rejoicing in the Lord, pursuing unity, and placing our trust in God through prayer? As we embrace these practices, we too can experience the transformative peace of God.
Philippians 4:8-9 March 30, 2025
Paul’s use of “finally” serves as a bridge, summarizing the heart of his letter and pointing the church toward a Christ centered way of life. He urges the Philippians to focus their minds on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy. These virtues are not only ideals to think about but also guiding principles for how we live.
Paul challenges us to follow his example and, by extension, the example of Christ. As we align our thoughts and actions with God’s truth, we are assured of His presence and peace. How are we shaping our daily lives to reflect these virtues?
Philippians 4:10-23 April 6, 2025
In the final section of his letter, Paul expresses his gratitude for the Philippians’ generosity and support. He reflects on the lessons he has learned through contrasting experiences— whether in need or in plenty, Paul has found contentment through Christ, who strengthens him. Paul reminds the church that just as God has provided for him, He will also supply all their needs according to His riches in glory. This assurance is rooted in the character of God, who is the source of all good things.
This passage invites us to reflect on our own contentment and trust in God’s provision. Are we finding our strength and satisfaction in Christ, regardless of our circumstances? Paul’s closing words remind us to give glory and praise to God, who is faithful to meet our needs and guide us in His grace